Nok Sadaayu has an important role in the Thai Ramakien - Namely that of helping both Naang Sidaa against Totsagan, and also top help Phra Ram in his search for Naang Siidaa.
One day, Nok Sadaayu, who was e lifetime friend and companion of Taaw Totsarot (Taaw means Lord in Thai, so "Lord Totsarot"), was missing Phra Ram, Phra Laks and Naang Siidaa, so he decided to make a journey to visit them.Whilst on the way, he flew over the forest and saw Totsagan in the process of kidnapping Naang Siidaa (this happened as the Yak Mareet was ordered by Totsagan to trick the two brothers Phra ram and Phra Laks into straying away from the ashram where they and Siidaa were making camp in the forest).When the good King bird* Nok Sadaayu saw Totsagan with Naang Siidaa, he flew down and obstructed him - A fierce struggle ensued, as Totsagan unfolded all of his 20 arm, each of them holding a fearsome deadly weapon (clubs, spears sword bow and arrow chakra disk etc).
Nok Sadaayu was so adept in his fighting technique, anmdand fought so bravely, that he managed to make all 20 weapons slip from the hands of the Demon Asura* Totsagan, upon acheiving which, Sudaayu teased Totsagan by saying that he must be useless with all his ten faces and twenty arms and weapons he still couldn't defeat Nok sadaayu! Then Nok Sadaayu became boastful and told Totsagan that the only two things in the world that he feared were Phra Naaraayn (The Lord Vishnu - of whom Phra Ram is the Avatar*), and Naang Siidaa's ring;
Nok Sadayu
The crystal Molee ring of Phra Isworn (Shiva).Upon hearing this, the sneaky Asura Totsagan pulled the ring from Naang Siidaa's finger and flung it as with all his Might, at Nok Sadaayu. The brave Bird King was hit and mortally injured by the magic ring, and fell to the ground.
But as he was falling, he managed to grab the ring in his beak and keep it with him. As Phra ram and his brother Phra Laks appeared on the scene looking for Naang Siidaa, they came across Nok Sadaayu lying with his wings folded and broken on the forest floor, with the ring in his mouth. Nok Sadaayu offers the ring to Phra Ram as proof of her abduction, and tells the story of what happened with his last breath, and died.
Then Pra Ram shot a magic arrow (Playawada) which turned into a Meru (funeral crematorium) over Nok sadayu. Then he shot another magic arrow (Akniwat) and cremated him. Then the rains came and extinguished the funeral Pyre.
Once Sadayu was cremated, the two Princes set out to continue the search for Siidaa. After some time they became hot from the blazing sun and sat down to rest under what looked like a Mangrove tree.
Next Episode - Pra Ram meets Kumpala
Useful Links;
Thai language University site on Ramakian ramakian heritage site