(Continued from the Molee Bow Lifting Ceremony)
After Phra Ram succeeded in winning the Molee bow lifting competition, the Ruesi hermit sage Chanok sent a royal messenger to ayodhaya to invite ram's father Lord Totsarot to be present as a guest at the wedding of Phra ram and Naang Siidaa. Taaw Totsarot was delighted to recieve the news of his son's success, and set out immediately to journey to Mithila, along with the 4 royal Ruesi Swamitra and Phra Wamatep, Ruesi Gaasayaba, and Phra Chawalii in a majestic procession.
Phra Prodt, phra sadtrut (the younger brothers of Phra Ram) along woth Taaw (lord) Gaiyages (grandfather of Phra Prodt) joined the procession to be also present at the wedding of Phra ram annd Naang Siidaa. Phra Intr (Indra) and naang Sujidtraa were present to preside over the wedding ceremony along with the company of Devas (angelic beings)and naang faa (female angels) as witnesses and to bestow their blessings on Phra Ram and Naang Siidaa. Once the wedding ceremony was over,Lord Totsarot and hs four sons, Naang Siidaa and Phra Sunisa returned to their home in Ayodhaya palace. On the way back there, they encountered Ramasun (Barasuram), who goaded Phra raam to fight with him, but was defeated by Phra ram - Ramasurn saw that Ram was the incarnation (Avatar) of Vishnu.
Taaw Totsarot was now reaching the age of 60 thousand years old, and decided that he wanted to step down from the throne and hold a Coronation Ceremony for Phra Ram. When Nang Kuchee heard of this, she went to her master Naang Gayagaesii to ask Lord Totsarot to give the Crown and Kingdom to her son Phra Prodt (Phra Ram's brother), and make Phra Ram have to wander in the forests in exile for a period of 14 years; This was due to the fact that Phra ram as a child had once made an ass out of Naang Kuchee by shooting a clay bullet into her hunchback and making it come out the other side, he then shot another one to put it back in place. Ther were a lot of witnesses to this and everybody laughed at her, for which Naang Kuchee had always held a grudge against Phra Ram.
Naang Gaiyagaesii was able to do this, because she had once helped Lord Totsarot in the war against Patut Tan, the ruler of the Asura demons. She helped Lord Totsarot to save the day by offering her hand as a replacement for the wheel which was brokenon Lord Totsarot's chariot. As a reward, Lord Totsarot had promised to fulfill any wish she may deem fit to ask for. She didn't take the offer back then but had saved it for a special need. Now was the time she decided to use the favour, and Lord Totsarot was forced to grant her wish with a heavy heart, broken at the thought of his son Phra ram having to wander the forests as a vagrant. When Phra Ram heard the news about what his father was going to be forced to do, he had compassion and went before receiving the order, to avoid his father beeing too hurt. He set out, accompanied by his brother Phra Laks and his consort Naang Siidaa, along with Sumandtan to watch over her as a valet.
When Sumantan went to tell Lord Totsarot that Phra ram and Lady Siidaa had already left and were wandering the forests, Totsarot was completely devastated by the news, and died of a broken heart.
Above Picture; A Ruesi (forest hermit sage), forbids Naan Gaiyagaesii and her son Phra Prodt from lighting the funeral pire.
As Phra Prodt and Phra Sadtrut returned from Gayages city to be present at Phra Ram's Coronation Ceremony (the brothers wer unaware of Naang Gaiyaagesii's plot), Only to find that their father Lord Totsarot had died as a result of a brokent heart because of Phra Ram having to be exiled to the himapant forest. Phra Prodt was extremely angry at his mother Naang Gaiyagaesii.
The funeral for Totsarot was held in the crematorium, which was Royally decorated with Chatras (pagoda like parasols) and entertainners from all the surrounding provinces. The Hermits Wasit and Swamitra were present to act upon Lord Totsarot's orders that Naang Gaiyagaesii and her son Phra Prodt were not to be permitted to light the funeral pyre (see above pic).