Tao Totsarot is the father of Phra Ram. Tao Tosarot is the Son of Tao Achabala, who in turn came from Tao Anomatan, who was born from the Lotus in Phra Nayn's (Vishnu) belly, as the boy Kumara, and later became Tao Anoamatan. Tao Tosarot has one face, two arms and the crown with the "mongkut dern hon" type of "Yord" (spike). Dern Hon means to travel around - meaning he is wearing the headress of travelling the forest. His Father is Tao Achabala and Mother is Nang Tep Absorn. He rules the City of Ayodhyaya (Ayuttaya) and has 3 Concubines; Nang Gao Surya, Nang Gayagaesi and Nand Samutra Tewi.
One time the God Phra Intr (Indra) called upon Tao Totsarot to help in defeating the Demon Yaksa Batudtatantayaksa, and he took Nang Gaiyagesi into battle with him. When his chariot wheel broke, nang Gayagesi offered her own hand in lace of the wheel, and Tao Tosarot was thus able to defeat Batudtatantayaksa. As a thanks for this great act of selflessness and sincerity, Tao Tosarot offered nang gayagesi anything she wished in exchange for her effort.
As Phra Ram was about to be crowned Ruler of the City, Nang Gaiyagesi asked Lord Totsarot to return the favour and send Phra Ram to the forest and Crown Phra Phrot (her son) instead. Lord Totsarot was heartbroken, but conceded as promised, but he died of a broken heart, and also left his dying wish that neither Nang Gayagesi nor Phra Phrot were allowed to light the funeral pyre.