Thursday, August 27, 2009

Important Events in Ramakian Ch.1

Tao Totsarot (called Dasaratha in Valmiki's Ramayana) was the the King of Ayuttaya father of Phra Ram. He rules the City of Ayodhyaya (Ayuttaya) and had a harem of three wives; Nang Kaosuriya, Nang Kaiyakesi and Nang Samut-Devi.
Tao Totsarot (Tao means lord), was the Ruler of the City of Ayuttaya in the Thai Ramakian epic adaptation of the Hindu Ramayana, written by Valmiki. He had three wives, namely Nang Kao Suriya, Nang Samut Devi and Nang Kaiyakesi.One time Tao Totsarot went to war with the Asura Yaksa Tudtatant, and the chariot wheel of Lord Totsarot was broken by the arrow of the asura. But one of his wives, Nang Kaiyakesi,who had accompanied him and was sat in the chariot, sprang down and stuck her arm in the axle of the wheel so that the chariot would still be able to move. When the battle was over and Tao Totsarot saw what his wife had done to help him, he was filled with love and affection for her, and promised to grant any wish that she may desire. After many years, Tao Totsarot was still without a child, and so arrange a magical ceremony to cook divine rice (Khaw Tip) to induce a child. In the city of Langka, Totsakan's wife Nang Montoe smelled it's divine aroma, and was filled with desire to eat some of it. She beseeched Totsakan and thus he sent his servant Kakanasura Yaksa turn herself into a crow and fly over to steal some, which she did.

Below Pic; Nang Kakanasura Yaksa

There were still however three pieces of divine rice left, which Tao Totsarot gave to his three wives; Nang Kao Suriya gave birth to Phra Ram, Nang Kayakesi gave birth to Phra Prot, and Nang Samut Devi to Phra Satrut. When the Yaksa Kakanasura returned to langka with the piece of divine rice she had stolen, she gave it to Totsakan, who took some and gave it to Nang Montoe, who then gave birth to a daughter, who cried out the words "destroy" three times at childbirth. As a result of this the court Astrologer, Pipek foretold that she was the incarnation of Kali the destroyer and would cause the end of the yaksa (Asura) race. So Totsakan decreed to have the baby child taken and placed into a pot and thrown in the river, where she floated downstream until she was discovered by the Ruesi hermit Chanaka (Chanok, in Thai), who was actually the ruler of Mithila city practising austerities in the forest for a while, before he would return to rule the city once more. Chanaka then took the baby girl and placed her under a tree in the earth and let mother earth watch over her until the end of his practise in the forest, which took 16 years to complete. Once he was ready to resturn to rule Mithila, he performed a ritual to recall the child from under the earth and gave her the name "Siidaa" (Sita). Chanaka then returned to trule Mithila and announced a competition to lift the molee bow. Whoever should be able to lift it would recieve nang Siidaa's hand in marriage and become ruler of Mithila. In Ayuttaya city, the news of the competition came, and Tao Totsarot encouraged his three sons, Phra Ram, Phra Lak and Phra Satrut to participate. On arrival in Mithila, Phra Ram happened to see Nang Siidaa looking out of the window, and the two of them fell in love instantly. Phra Ram was able to lift the molee bow, successfully using only one hand, and won the hand of Siidaa in marriage. It was here that treachery came into play, causing the sequence of events that led to the kidnapping of Nang Siidaa by her estranged father (the fact that her kidnapper Totsakan is her father is strangely neither directly mentioned nor intended to make obvious in the Ramakian), and lead to the war between Totsakan and Phra Ram, which is the main plot of the whole epic story;

Below pic - Nang Kuchee Kom

As Phra Ram (Rama) was about to be crowned Ruler of the City of Ayuttaya (Ayodhaya), Nang Kaiyakesi was begged to intervene by her servant Nang Kucheekom, who was once teased by Pra Ram and had held a grudge against him for many years. Nang Kaiyakesi thus conceded Nang Kucheekom's request, and beseeched Lord Totsarot to keep his promise of granting the wish, sending Phra Ram to the forest and Crowning her own son Phra Prot in his stead.
Below Picture; Nang Kayakesi asks Tao Totsarot to exile Phra Ram
nang kayakesi asks tao thotsarot to exile phra ram

Lord Totsarot was heartbroken, but conceded as promised.Phra Ram heard the news and decided to leave on his own accord, and was accompanied by Nang Siidaa. When Tao Totsarot heard the news of Phra Ram's disappearance, he fell into a great depression, and died. Whilst on his deathbead, he decreed with his dying wish, that both Nang Kaiyakesi, and her son Phra Prot should not be permitted to participate in his cremation ceremony.