After Totsagan had kidnapped Sida and Phra ram and Phra Laks had heard the news from Nok Sadaayu, they made a ceremony for the Sadaayu bird's funeral, and then wandered in the forest looking for naang Siidaa. They came acros the giant yaks Gumpala, who had been cursed.Phra Ram made it possible for Gumpala to break the spell and return to the Celestial realms as before. After this, Phra Ram and Phra Laks journeyed on into the Banana forest that was the abode of hanuman and his Uncle Sukreep.Hanuman is the son of Naang Sawaaha and Phra Paay - Hanuman was just back from keping precepts in the forest, when he stumbled upon Phra ram and Phra Laks in the forest. Hanuman saw Phra Laks and Phra Ram with their shimmering skin and thought they looked like angels. He turned himself into a small little harmless looking monkey, and climbed up a tree above where the two princes were resting. he threw som leaves down to fall on Phra Laks face. Phra Laks was bothered and looked up, but when he noticed it was only a small monkey, he did nothing, for he was afraid to awaken Phra Ram. But the little monkey continued throwing more and more leaves oon Phra Laks, who became angry and waved his bow and arrows at the monkey. hanuman just grabbed the bow and stole it, teasing Phra Laks with it.Phra Ram then awoke with all the hustle and bustle, and saw this strange little monkey with differing ears, white fur, and a crystal fang tooth in the middle of his palate, and thought "This is no normal monkey" - as for Hanuman, the monkey looked at Phra Ram once and knew instantly that he was the Avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu, and immediately converted back into his normal appearance, bowed and offered his services to Phra Ram
Ramakien (Ramayana in India) is the tale of the God Vishnu who incarnated as Rama to punish the Yaksa Totsagan - this is the story of Pra Ram and his Consort Sita (Nang Sida). Thai Ramakian Tale is one of the foundations of Buddhist Literature in Thailand, and is taught in every Primary school.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hanuman Offers his Services
After Totsagan had kidnapped Sida and Phra ram and Phra Laks had heard the news from Nok Sadaayu, they made a ceremony for the Sadaayu bird's funeral, and then wandered in the forest looking for naang Siidaa. They came acros the giant yaks Gumpala, who had been cursed.Phra Ram made it possible for Gumpala to break the spell and return to the Celestial realms as before. After this, Phra Ram and Phra Laks journeyed on into the Banana forest that was the abode of hanuman and his Uncle Sukreep.Hanuman is the son of Naang Sawaaha and Phra Paay - Hanuman was just back from keping precepts in the forest, when he stumbled upon Phra ram and Phra Laks in the forest. Hanuman saw Phra Laks and Phra Ram with their shimmering skin and thought they looked like angels. He turned himself into a small little harmless looking monkey, and climbed up a tree above where the two princes were resting. he threw som leaves down to fall on Phra Laks face. Phra Laks was bothered and looked up, but when he noticed it was only a small monkey, he did nothing, for he was afraid to awaken Phra Ram. But the little monkey continued throwing more and more leaves oon Phra Laks, who became angry and waved his bow and arrows at the monkey. hanuman just grabbed the bow and stole it, teasing Phra Laks with it.Phra Ram then awoke with all the hustle and bustle, and saw this strange little monkey with differing ears, white fur, and a crystal fang tooth in the middle of his palate, and thought "This is no normal monkey" - as for Hanuman, the monkey looked at Phra Ram once and knew instantly that he was the Avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu, and immediately converted back into his normal appearance, bowed and offered his services to Phra Ram
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sidaa is Kidnapped by Totsagan
Naang Samanagkhaa (who we have already read about in a previous chapter about the Coronation of Phra Ram & Totsarot's death), who was still in bereavement for the loss of her
beloved husband Chiwaha, who was murdered accidentally by her brother Totsagan, was wandering in the Himapant Forest to diminish her sadness and also to find herself a new consort.
She came upon Phra Ram and instantly fell in love with him; she appproached him but he refused all advances by Naang Samanagkhaa. Naang Samanagkhaa became angry because of this, and hit Naang Siidaa in the face. Phra Laks grabbed Naang Samanagkhaa and cut off her ears nose, hands and feet.
Samanagkhaa returned to Langka and told the tale to Totsagan, as well as recounting how beautiful Naang Siidaa was - which caused Totsagan to fall into a fascination with Siidaa. He ordered Marees to turn himself into a golden deer and lure Siidaa into asking Phra Ram into chasing the deer to catch it for her - Marees was also ordered to then use Phra Ram's voice to call Phra Laks also out of the Ashram in the forest whgere they were guarding Siidaa. After this, Totsagan would enter as the Ruesi Sutham and Woo the lady into going with him.
When Totsagan realises that there is no way to coax Naang Siidaa into loving him, he returns to his 20 armed 10 faced self and grabs her packing her under his arms and makes off with her. This event was followed by the story of the Himapant animal and Bhoddhissattwa (of which many Himapant animals represent), "Nok Sadaayu", losing his life trying to save Siidaa, and his passing on of the news of Totsagan abductiuong her to Phra Ram.This story is already published and can be read by
(botom right) Phra Ram attempts to catch the golden deer (Marees in shape shifting), but suspects something fishy and shoots the deer, killing Marees, who with his dying gasps calls out in Phra Ram's voice to trick Phra Laks.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Lord Totsarot dies in grief
(Continued from the Molee Bow Lifting Ceremony)
After Phra Ram succeeded in winning the Molee bow lifting competition, the Ruesi hermit sage Chanok sent a royal messenger to ayodhaya to invite ram's father Lord Totsarot to be present as a guest at the wedding of Phra ram and Naang Siidaa. Taaw Totsarot was delighted to recieve the news of his son's success, and set out immediately to journey to Mithila, along with the 4 royal Ruesi Swamitra and Phra Wamatep, Ruesi Gaasayaba, and Phra Chawalii in a majestic procession.
Phra Prodt, phra sadtrut (the younger brothers of Phra Ram) along woth Taaw (lord) Gaiyages (grandfather of Phra Prodt) joined the procession to be also present at the wedding of Phra ram annd Naang Siidaa. Phra Intr (Indra) and naang Sujidtraa were present to preside over the wedding ceremony along with the company of Devas (angelic beings)and naang faa (female angels) as witnesses and to bestow their blessings on Phra Ram and Naang Siidaa. Once the wedding ceremony was over,Lord Totsarot and hs four sons, Naang Siidaa and Phra Sunisa returned to their home in Ayodhaya palace. On the way back there, they encountered Ramasun (Barasuram), who goaded Phra raam to fight with him, but was defeated by Phra ram - Ramasurn saw that Ram was the incarnation (Avatar) of Vishnu.
Taaw Totsarot was now reaching the age of 60 thousand years old, and decided that he wanted to step down from the throne and hold a Coronation Ceremony for Phra Ram. When Nang Kuchee heard of this, she went to her master Naang Gayagaesii to ask Lord Totsarot to give the Crown and Kingdom to her son Phra Prodt (Phra Ram's brother), and make Phra Ram have to wander in the forests in exile for a period of 14 years; This was due to the fact that Phra ram as a child had once made an ass out of Naang Kuchee by shooting a clay bullet into her hunchback and making it come out the other side, he then shot another one to put it back in place. Ther were a lot of witnesses to this and everybody laughed at her, for which Naang Kuchee had always held a grudge against Phra Ram.
Naang Gaiyagaesii was able to do this, because she had once helped Lord Totsarot in the war against Patut Tan, the ruler of the Asura demons. She helped Lord Totsarot to save the day by offering her hand as a replacement for the wheel which was brokenon Lord Totsarot's chariot. As a reward, Lord Totsarot had promised to fulfill any wish she may deem fit to ask for. She didn't take the offer back then but had saved it for a special need. Now was the time she decided to use the favour, and Lord Totsarot was forced to grant her wish with a heavy heart, broken at the thought of his son Phra ram having to wander the forests as a vagrant. When Phra Ram heard the news about what his father was going to be forced to do, he had compassion and went before receiving the order, to avoid his father beeing too hurt. He set out, accompanied by his brother Phra Laks and his consort Naang Siidaa, along with Sumandtan to watch over her as a valet.
When Sumantan went to tell Lord Totsarot that Phra ram and Lady Siidaa had already left and were wandering the forests, Totsarot was completely devastated by the news, and died of a broken heart.
Above Picture; A Ruesi (forest hermit sage), forbids Naan Gaiyagaesii and her son Phra Prodt from lighting the funeral pire.
As Phra Prodt and Phra Sadtrut returned from Gayages city to be present at Phra Ram's Coronation Ceremony (the brothers wer unaware of Naang Gaiyaagesii's plot), Only to find that their father Lord Totsarot had died as a result of a brokent heart because of Phra Ram having to be exiled to the himapant forest. Phra Prodt was extremely angry at his mother Naang Gaiyagaesii.
The funeral for Totsarot was held in the crematorium, which was Royally decorated with Chatras (pagoda like parasols) and entertainners from all the surrounding provinces. The Hermits Wasit and Swamitra were present to act upon Lord Totsarot's orders that Naang Gaiyagaesii and her son Phra Prodt were not to be permitted to light the funeral pyre (see above pic).
One day, Totsagan, the ruler of Langka city decided he wanted to go for a wander in the forests for a period of a week; so in order to do this, he told his brother in law, Chiwaha (who was married to Totsagan's sister - Naang Samanagkhaa), to watch over the city and keep it safe from any enemies, or an attempt of invasion. Chiwaha, being an extremely loyal and meritorious subject of his beloved brother in law, set upon watching vigil over the city constantly both day and night; he abstained completely from sleeping at all.
But then, on the seventh day,he was oversome by extreme exhaustions, and performed an act of "Plaeng Rit" (kind of like a superhuman mutation common with the heavenly beings in the Ramakian), and expanded the size of his tongue to cover the city like a canopy as a shield of protection, and fell into a deep slumber.
Shortly after this, Totsagan returned from his forest wandering in the early eavening as dusk was settling in.He was unable to find the city at all, so he ordered his soldiers tosearch out and call for Chiwaha, but Chiwaha gave no response due to being in an extremely deep slumber.Totsagan made the assumption that his brother in law had been attacked and killed by one of the many enemies of Totsagan, and became extremely angry (Totsagan was an extremely aggressive tempered being and was known to change into his ten headed, twenty armed demonic aspect easily upon becoming angry, which made him an extremely formidable and powerful entity);
Totsagan pulled out one of his most powerful weapons:- the chakra disk "suragant' and threw it at the canopy that was covering the city of langka, which was of course in reality, Chiwaha's tongue!
The chakra disk sliced right throught poor old Chiwaha's tongue, which then recoiled and flew off separating from chiwahas life force and causing Chiwaha to die instantly.
Samanagkhaa was thus converted into a widow,whe she found out that her beloved brother Totsagan was responsible for her husband's death, she became extremely angry with him, but when Totsagan explaine how the accident had happened, she was able to be calmed down, and her anger receded.
Above pic; Thai Khone theater mask of the Yaksa Chiwaha
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Sunday, September 28, 2008
Nok Sadayu
Nok Sadaayu has an important role in the Thai Ramakien - Namely that of helping both Naang Sidaa against Totsagan, and also top help Phra Ram in his search for Naang Siidaa.
One day, Nok Sadaayu, who was e lifetime friend and companion of Taaw Totsarot (Taaw means Lord in Thai, so "Lord Totsarot"), was missing Phra Ram, Phra Laks and Naang Siidaa, so he decided to make a journey to visit them.Whilst on the way, he flew over the forest and saw Totsagan in the process of kidnapping Naang Siidaa (this happened as the Yak Mareet was ordered by Totsagan to trick the two brothers Phra ram and Phra Laks into straying away from the ashram where they and Siidaa were making camp in the forest).When the good King bird* Nok Sadaayu saw Totsagan with Naang Siidaa, he flew down and obstructed him - A fierce struggle ensued, as Totsagan unfolded all of his 20 arm, each of them holding a fearsome deadly weapon (clubs, spears sword bow and arrow chakra disk etc).
Nok Sadaayu was so adept in his fighting technique, anmdand fought so bravely, that he managed to make all 20 weapons slip from the hands of the Demon Asura* Totsagan, upon acheiving which, Sudaayu teased Totsagan by saying that he must be useless with all his ten faces and twenty arms and weapons he still couldn't defeat Nok sadaayu! Then Nok Sadaayu became boastful and told Totsagan that the only two things in the world that he feared were Phra Naaraayn (The Lord Vishnu - of whom Phra Ram is the Avatar*), and Naang Siidaa's ring;
The crystal Molee ring of Phra Isworn (Shiva).Upon hearing this, the sneaky Asura Totsagan pulled the ring from Naang Siidaa's finger and flung it as with all his Might, at Nok Sadaayu. The brave Bird King was hit and mortally injured by the magic ring, and fell to the ground.
But as he was falling, he managed to grab the ring in his beak and keep it with him. As Phra ram and his brother Phra Laks appeared on the scene looking for Naang Siidaa, they came across Nok Sadaayu lying with his wings folded and broken on the forest floor, with the ring in his mouth. Nok Sadaayu offers the ring to Phra Ram as proof of her abduction, and tells the story of what happened with his last breath, and died.
Then Pra Ram shot a magic arrow (Playawada) which turned into a Meru (funeral crematorium) over Nok sadayu. Then he shot another magic arrow (Akniwat) and cremated him. Then the rains came and extinguished the funeral Pyre.
Once Sadayu was cremated, the two Princes set out to continue the search for Siidaa. After some time they became hot from the blazing sun and sat down to rest under what looked like a Mangrove tree.
Next Episode - Pra Ram meets Kumpala
Useful Links;
Thai language University site on Ramakian ramakian heritage site
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Naang Montoe
Naang Montoe is an important figure in the Ramayana and, and also had some important roles to play in previous lifetimes to that of her incarnation as Naang Montoe. For example,the events that led to her becoming Naang Montoe - Naang Montoe is the Royal Consort of Totsagan in the Ramakian, and also Naang Siidaa's Mother (although this is never really stressed in the story and both Naang Montoe and Siidaa are unaware of the fact at least until the closing scenes or possibly not at all);
The story goes like this; On the foot of Mount Himapant, there lived four Ruesi Sages, practising Yoga and self abstinence. They were extremely adept in thewir practise and were admired by one and all for their acheivments. every morning, 500 Cows would come to their ashram, and allow milk from themselves to drop into a large crystalbowl to give the Ruesi their breakfast, which the Ruesi would then give some of to the female frog who lived in the area of their ashram.
One day, one of the four Ruesi was wandering in the forest, and came across a Naga snake partaking of sexual intercourse with an earthly snake. the Ruesi thought the Naga (being of high stature) was too superior to be thinking of having such relations with an earthly animal snake, and took his walking staff and tapped the Naga lady on the tail with it;
The Naga was in ecstatic state and didn't notice, so the Ruesi tapped again repeatedly. The naga coiled his tail out of the way and turned to face the Ruesi Sage. Onr ealizing her exp[osure, she was overcome with shame, and fled to Mueang Badan (the underworld)As the naga came to thinking about if the Ruesi would talk about this to her father "Prayaa Gaala" the king of the Nagas would get to find out, aa wellas the fact that her own reputation would be destroyed forever, and probably be executed as a punishment. So she returned to the ashram of the four Ruesi Sages, and placed some poison in the crystal bowl of milk that the Ruesi cam to partake of every morning.
The lady frog saw the Naga snake come and put deadly poison in the milkbowl.The frog couldn't speak, so didnt know how to warn the Ruesi. Finally,so full of compassion for the kind Ruesi sages who had fed her for so long,that the frog threw herself in the pool of milk, it and dying so that the Ruesi would notice and abstain from drinking, and thus be saved.The Ruesi saw the frog in the milk, and thought she had died trying to drink it all out of greed. But they still had the compassion to decide to revive her.After coming back to life, the Ruesi asked her why she was so greedy after they had fed her well for so many years?Naang Gop explained about the Naga putting poison in the milk to kill the Ruesi, which led the Ruesi to see the self sacrifice and goodness of the lady frog.
So they made a ceremony of "Gor Akkii" (raise fire) and put the frog in the flames chanting Katas and Spells. Naang Gop (the frog) was revived, and transformed into a lady more beautiful than any Princess or Angel in the 6 heavens or on the Earth!
They named her "Naang Montoe" - the word montoe meaning "frog".
Below is the "Phra Ratchanipont" (Royal Poem) about this (in Thai)
เดชะพระเวทสิทธิศักดิ์ พระวิษณุรักษ์รังสรรค์
เกิดเป็นกัลยาวิลาวัณย์ งามวิจิตรพิศพรรณขวัญตา
งามพักตร์ยิ่งชั้นมหาราช งามวิลาสล้ำนางในดึงสา
งามเนตรยิ่งเนตรในยามา งามนาสิกล้ำในดุษฎี
งามโอษฐ์งามกรรณงามปราง ยิ่งนางในนิมาราศี
งามเกศยิ่งเกศกัลยาณี อันมีในชั้นนิรมิต
ทั้งหกห้องฟ้าหาไม่ได้ ด้วยทรงลักษณ์วิไลไพจิตร
ใครเห็นเป็นที่เพ่งพิศ ทั้งไตรภพจบทิศไม่เทียมทัน
Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom by Krishna Dharma (Paperback - Jul 15, 2004)
This book is well detailed including all the most important events and stories. It is also easy reading and does not require any extra effort to get through. Enjoyable, relaxing but still extremely informative content on the Ramayana
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Totsagan - ทศกันฑ์ (Ravana)
Pic Left - Sand sculpture of Totsagan
Totsagan* is the reincarnation of the Yank Nontuk*, who was overpowered by Phra Naarayn on the orders of Phra Isworn, after Nontuk lost his temper with the devas (Taewada) and proceeded to run amok with the diamond finger weapon which Phra Isworn (Shiva) had bestowed upon him for faithful service, akilling the Taewada.
Phra Naaraayn predicted to Nontuk * that both would be incarnated on earth , Nontuk* as Totsagan, wiel;ding ten heads and twenty arms holding weapons, and Phra Naaraayn would be reborn as a simple human with only 2 arms. Phra Naaraayn added to the prediciton that he would still conquer and slay Nontuk* as Totsagan, despite the unfair advantage of 20 arms and 10 heads!
Totsagan was born the son of Taaw ladtsadtian and Naang Ratchada. He has 6 brothers and sisters with the same mother;
Gumpagan (กุมภกรรณ์) Pipek (พิเภก), Khaara/Khorn (ขร), Tust (ทูษฐ์), Dyrii Siarn (ตรีเศียร), and Naang Samanagkhaa (นาง สำมนักขา). Totsagan is the Royal Ruler of Langka City, posessing an extremely vengeful and Malefic disposition, as well as an extreme tendency to womanizing. In fact, Totsagan had a great number of wives and concubines, such as;
Naang Gal-Akkii, Naang Montoe (wives) and a harem of over 1000 mistresses! He even had some affairs with part animal beings, such as elephants and fish were had, where Totsagan changed his shape into an animal. He also desired the daughters and wives of others, as was the case with Naang Siidaa (who was in fact also Totsagan's daughter, although he was unaware of this).This of course is the main cause of the development of the initial plot of the Ramakian story, where Phra Ram goes on the quest to recover Naang Sidaa, and kill Totsagan and the Yak Family tree.
Traditionally depicted as green in color.He wears the "Mongkut Chay" - Mongkut means "crown", and "Chay"" means "Victory"; therefore he is wearing the "Crown of Victory". Thai depiction of Mythological beings uses "Mongkut" to display various aspects and "Giriyaa" (activity).
Totsagan's true form has 10 heads, 10 faces and twenty arms. His full name is "Totsgan Gumara". Totsagan can change his shape at will in any time he wishes to. He prefers to appear with a single head, face and 2 arms, for example in the scene where he bathes before going to woo Naang Siidaa in the garden;
"ห้อยพวงสุวรรณบุปผา พระหัตถ์ขวานั้นจับพระแสงศร" ("He held a garland of flowers, with his arrows in his right hand" quote from the Thai literary epic poem version of Ramakian written by Phra Bat Somdej Praputta Yord Fa Julaa Loke - King Rama 1) - the quote shows that Totsagan only had 2 arms in this scene.
But when Totsagan is Angry, he reverts to his normal aspect and form of twenty heads and ten arms, as in the case when he returned from a wander ion the forest and did not find his brother in law Chiwahaa (who had been ordered to watch guard over the city of Langka) to greet him.Totsagan was extremely angry thinking that Chiwaha had been conquered (due to the big red sheet that appeared to be covering the city, which was actually chiwaha's tongue, but Totsagan thought it was some strange phenomena befalling the city), and changed into his fearsome aspect and threw deadly chakra weapons, cutting off poor old Chiwahaa's tongue and killing him instantly on the spot.
* Nontuk is also sometimes called "Nontok", or Nontokyak
*Totsagan is known as "Ravana" in the Indian Ramayana, but for some reason has been changed to Totsagan in the Thai Ramakien. I find this strange because the other characters all have relatively similar names to the Indian Ramayana.Only Totsagan has been changed radically.
Pipek, Naang Montoe, Chiwahaa, Gumpagan...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Phra Ram - Vishnu avatar
At the age of 12, Phra Ram recieved some arrows from his father the Lord Torsarot, who said "go and practise archery!".As they were practising, Naang Kom Gujjee (servant of naang Gayagaesi), who was a hunchback, came and sat to watch the scene studied. At this point - Phra Ram decided to show his natural ability and shot an arrow making Naang Kom Gujjee's hump bulge out to the front, then shooting a second arrow to make it return to it's original position on her back! Phra ram was not old enough to realize the embarassment he caused Naang Kom Gujjee, which was the cause of her holding a long term grudge, which resulted in Phra ram later being banished to wander in the forest and be denied his inheritance of the throne of Ayodhaya.This is an important part of the stry in the Buddhist/Brahmin/Mystical side of the matter, indicating the fact that even Phra Ram, the avatar of Phra Vishnu Narayan, is subject to the laws of Karma, once born as a human form, as is every incarnate being.
on one occasion, as the 2 Ruesi were attacked and bothered by the Gaganamara (who was acting on orders of the Yak Totsagan), the 2 hermits requested Lord Totsarot to send his sons Phra ram and Phra Even though Phra ram was still at a very young age, he was still able to defeat and kill Naang Gaganasura. Her children Sawaahu and Marit came to get revenge for their mother's death.Phra ram shot an arrow into Sawahu, who was killed on the spot, but Marit saw that Phra ram had 4 arms, and realized he was the Avatar of Vishnu, upon which realization he became afraid and fled the scene running back to langa in fear of his life.
To be continued......
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Cosmology - Main figures Of the Ramakian
Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom
The main figures Of the Ramakian
Deities (Devas)
- Phra Naraayn (Narayana/Vishnu) - Highest God
- Phra Isuan (Isvara/Shiva) - Deputy to Phra Narai
- Phra Phrom (Brahma) - Together with Phra Isuan and Phra Naraayn, forms the Hindu Trinity.
- Nang Uma-devi (Parvati) - Consort of Phra Isuan
- Nang Lakshmi - Consort of Phra Narai
- Phra In (Indra) - The King of tewadas- lesser celestial deities. Father of Pali
- Mali Warat - God of Justice. Grandfather of Totsakan
- Phra Ah-thit (Surya) - the solar deity. Father of Sukreep
- Phra Pai (Vayu) - the wind deity. Father of Hanuman
- Vishvakarman - the artisan god, responsible for rebuilding Lanka after Hanuman burned it down and creating Kitkin
- Phra Ram (Rama) - The son of the king Thotsarot of Ayutthaya and the Incarnation of Phra Narai.
- Nang Sida (Sita) - The wife of Phra Ram, who embodies purity and fidelity. Incarnation of Nang Lakshmi
- Phra Lak (Lakshman), Phra Phrot (Bharata) and Phra Satrut (Shatrughna) - half-brothers of Phra Ram, who represent the reincarnated possessions of Phra Narai
- Thotsarot (Dasaratha) -often called Thao Thotsarot. King of Ayutthaya and father of Phra Ram and his brothers
- Nang Kaosuriya (Kausalya) - one of the three wives of Thotsarot, mother of Phra Ram
- Nang Kaiyakesi (Kaikeyi) - one of the three wives of Thotsarot, mother of Phra Phrot
- Nang Samut-devi (Sumitra) - one of the three wives of Thotsarot, mother of Phra Lak and Phra Satrut
Allies of Phra Ram
- Hanuman - God-king of the apes, who supported Phra Ram and acted as the monkey general.
- Pali Thirat (Vali) - King of Kitkin, elder brother of Sukreep and uncle of Hanuman
- Sukreep (Sugriva) - Viceroy of Kitkin, younger brother of Pali and uncle of Hanuman
- Ongkot (Angada) - Ape-prince and son of the Pali Thirat and Nang Montho, cousin of Hanuman
- Pipek (Vibhishana) - enstranged brother of Totsakan. He is an excellent astrologist and provided valuable information to Phra Ram in defeating Totsakan.
- Chompupan - Ape-prince and adopted son of Pali, an expert in the healing arts and acted as the troop's medic.
Enemies of Phra Ram
- Tosakan (Ravana) - King of the Demons of Lanka and strongest of Phra Ram's adversaries. Tosakan has ten faces and twenty arms, and possesses a myriad of weapons.
- Intarachit (Indrajit) - A son of the Tosakan. Phra Ram's second most powerful adversaries. Intarachit uses his bow more than any other weapon. He once fired arrows (Nakabat Arrows) which turned into nagas (or snakes) in mid-air and rained down on Phra Ram's army. He once had a blessing from the Phra Isworn that he shall not die on land but in the air, and if his decapitated head were to touch the ground, it will bring down great destruction.
- Gumpagan (Kumbhakarna) - brother of Thotsakan and commander of demonic forces
- Maiyarap - King of the Underworld, embodied as a donkey
- Thoot, Korn, Trisian - younger brothers of Thotsakan, and the first three to be killed by Phra Ram, in that order.
Above pic; The Yak, "Banlaygan (บรรลัยกัลย์) - tattoo art by Spencer Littlewood, Ramakian Tattoo, Thailand
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ManyRamayanas: The Diversity of a Narrative Tradition in South Asia
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Ramakian - Thai Ramayana - the Beginning
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Ramakian is one of Thailand's greatest literary works, and is taught in all schools from a very early age.
Ramakian is taken from the Hindu Epic the "Ramayana"
The names of the characters in the story have been adapted for Thai language, some are similar, and some completely distinct.
The Ramayana was written purportedly in the third century B.C. by the Forest Hermit Valmiki. The Brahman Hindus, however, believe that Rama was a real person, there are a few different sacred locations in India which may indicate Rama's existence as a reality.One of them is his birth place, another being his palace. The route taken by Rama on the journey to Lanka (Sri Lanka) is also the source of several interesting things which lend to the belief in Rama's existence.
Ramayana spread throughout Southeast Asia traveklling with theTamil Indian merchants and scholars who were then trading with the Khmer kingdoms of Funan and Angkor and also to Srivijaya (what is now South Thailand), with whom economic and cultural ties had been enjoyed for a long time.
The Ramakian is adapted from the Indian Hindu Epic "Ramayana", by the Ruesi (or, Rishi, if you prefer) Waalamigi (more commonly known in the West as "Valmiki"). Valmiki composed this gigantic work of literary genius (or Historic documentation??) about 2,400 years ago. The Ramayana became extremely poular and spread around India, neighbouring countries, and the sub-continents of South East Asia. With this spread of the story, cam different entries, and versions of the adventures, trials and tribulations of Pra Ram in his quest to recover his Consort; Naang Siidaa from the clench of his Arch-Enemy, Totsagan (known as Ravana, in the Indian version).
เมื่อนั้น พระชนกมหาฤาษี ได้ฟัง ดั่ีงทิพวารี ทาโสรจสรงลงที่กายา
จึ่งเปลื้องคากรองเปลือกไม้ ทั้งสไบหนังเสือ ออกจากป่า
ก็ลาพรตพิธีจรรยา ทรงเครื่องกษัตรา อลงกรณ์
ให้เลิกจัตุรงค์รีบจร ออกจากสิงขรกุฎี (บทละครเรื่องรามเกีรต์)
To understand the Ramakian story properly, it is important to be familiar with the main figures/characters in the story, in order to get a feel for the intrigues involved in this most wonderful piece of Thai Literary heritage.
In the coming weeks and months, i shall be presenting the main characters of the Ramakian and explaining their relationships to each other.
Later, i shall also catalogue the minor characters and Himapant animals that appear in the Ramakian.
The Beginning of Ramakian should really start about the time before the two Arch enemies, Ram and Totsagan were born on earth(called Rama and Ravana, in the Indian Ramayana version).
The Hero of the Epic, Prince Rama, is the "Avatar" (incarnation/manifestation) of the Deity Vishnu Narayan. In both Hindu/Brahmin, and the Thai Buddhist cosmology, Vishnu has 10 incarnations, 2 of them being the Buddha, and the future Buddha, Maitreya. Rama was another of these 10 Avatars of Vishnu.
Throughout Indian history, many authors and performers have produced, and many patrons have supported, diverse tellings of the story of the exiled prince Rama, who rescues his abducted wife by battling the demon king who has imprisoned her. The contributors to this volume focus on these "many" Ramayanas.
While most scholars continue to rely on Valmiki's Sanskrit Ramayana as the authoritative version of the tale, the contributors to this volume do not. Their essays demonstrate the multivocal nature of the Ramayana by highlighting its variations according to historical period, political context, regional literary tradition, religious affiliation, intended audience, and genre. Socially marginal groups in Indian society--Telugu women, for example, or Untouchables from Madhya Pradesh--have recast the Rama story to reflect their own views of the world, while in other hands the epic has become the basis for teachings about spiritual liberation or the demand for political separatism. Historians of religion, scholars of South Asia, folklorists, cultural anthropologists--all will find here refreshing perspectives on this tale.
About the Author
Paula Richman is Associate Professor of South Asian Religions at Oberlin College. She is the author of Gender and Religion: On the Complexity of Symbols (Beacon 1986).
Product Details
* Paperback: 280 pages
* Publisher: University of California Press (August 29, 1991)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0520075897
* ISBN-13: 978-0520075894
* Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.8 inches
* Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Traits and behaviours of Ramakian characters
Understanding Personal traits and etiquettes of Characters in the Ramayana
The different figures in the Ramakian all posess their own individual personalities and behavioural traits, which i shall categorize as follows;
1.Personal superpower or weapon
2.Role in the story.
3.Disposition and attitude.
Some characters were blessed enough to recieve special powers or magickal weapons from Phra Isworn (Shiva), which increases the powers and behaviour of the Ramakian characters in no small way.
The behaviour of each character is dependant on the role he plays, for example, Phra Phrodt is the younger brother of Phra Ram, and plays the role of the loving faithful young brother. Likewise, the Yak Gumpagan was the younger brother of Totsagan (Ravana), and had to faithfully help his brother fight against Phra Ram, even though he saw that Totsagan was wrong, and felt regret for the incident.
The personal disposition of each character also has a great influence on the role they play, such as Naang Samanagkhaa is a hag with no shame, and therefore is the instigator of several shameless incidents.
Sarva Karyasiddhi valmiki ramayana
The Fate of the characters is also of prime importance in their character roles. Pipek, for example, was a younger brother of Totsagan, but still had to be the cause of the downfall of the Yaks because og his turning of sides to Phra Ram, and the subsequent defeat of Totsagan.
This was because Phra Isworn had already foretold that Pipek shall have the job of razing the Asura (monster races) from the Earth, and this is something that Pipek could not avoid - his Fate.
It is important to take note of the character and behaviour of each of the main figures of Ramakian in order to understand the meaning of the story completely.
Recommended Reading;
Ramayana: India's Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love and Wisdom by Krishna Dharma (Paperback - Jul 15, 2004)
This book is well detailed including all the most important events and stories. It is also easy reading and does not require any extra effort to get through. Enjoyable, relaxing but still extremely informative content on the Ramayana.
Editorial Reviews
From Library Journal
Attributed to Valmiki, an ancient Indian poet and sage, Ramayana (the epic story of Rama), is one of the two great epic poems of India. Composed in Sanskrit sometime before 300 B.C.E., it makes for lively reading as a good adventure and love story as well as a guide to spiritual practice and a reflection of the cultural, social, and religious beliefs of India at the time. Dharma (Vaisnava temple and Ctr. of Vedic Studies, Manchester, England) consulted several existing translations and the Adhyatma Ramayana to produce a very clear and readable rendition. This version breaks up what was originally seven long chapters into smaller, easier to handle units. Recommended for any library in need of a first copy or a contemporary and highly readable rendering of this ancient Indian classic.?David Bourquin, California State Univ., San Bernadino
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
The Ramayana (the Journey of Rama) is possibly the worlds oldest literature. Revered through the ages for its moral and spiritual wisdom, it is an uplifting tale of romance and high adventure, recounting the odyssey of Rama, a great King of ancient India
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