Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Phra Ram - Vishnu avatar

Phra Ram is the main figure of the Ramakian epic - in truth, Phra Ram is the avatar of Vishnu. Vishnu, otherwise known by the name of "Narayan" or "Phra Narai" in Thai, was ordered by Shiva (Phra Isworn) to "Avatar" (incarnate as a human), as all four sons of Taaw (Lord) Totsarot and naang Gao Suriya of Ayodhaya (Vishnu manifested in four different bodies simultaneously as Phra ram, and his 3 brothers; Phra Phrot, Phra Laks, and Phra Sathrut).
At the age of 12, Phra Ram recieved some arrows from his father the Lord Torsarot, who said "go and practise archery!".As they were practising, Naang Kom Gujjee (servant of naang Gayagaesi), who was a hunchback, came and sat to watch the scene studied. At this point - Phra Ram decided to show his natural ability and shot an arrow making Naang Kom Gujjee's hump bulge out to the front, then shooting a second arrow to make it return to it's original position on her back! Phra ram was not old enough to realize the embarassment he caused Naang Kom Gujjee, which was the cause of her holding a long term grudge, which resulted in Phra ram later being banished to wander in the forest and be denied his inheritance of the throne of Ayodhaya.This is an important part of the stry in the Buddhist/Brahmin/Mystical side of the matter, indicating the fact that even Phra Ram, the avatar of Phra Vishnu Narayan, is subject to the laws of Karma, once born as a human form, as is every incarnate being.
When Phra ram and his younger brothers were able to shoot with great accuracy, ride both elephants and horses with mastery, and reached the age of 14 years old - Taw Totsarot sent them to learn archery and trident fighting with the hermit Ruesi Wasit and Sawamitra in the Forest. The were prime examples of a what a fine student should be, and paid the highest respects to their masters. On completion of the mastery of the arts they were learning, they recieved the sacred arrows from the grala fai ceremony which the Ruesi had made to ask Phra isworn (shiva) to come down and give to them (3 arrows each). Each set of arrows wer marked with the names of each owner.Thebrothers showed their respectful gratitude to their masters upon receiving the arrows, as a good apprentice should.Their Ruesi masters were extremely pleased with their students, and made a blessing for them to always defeat their enemies. After completion of their training, they returned to Mithila and showed their parents and the members of court how good their skills had become with a grand demonstration.

on one occasion, as the 2 Ruesi were attacked and bothered by the Gaganamara (who was acting on orders of the Yak Totsagan), the 2 hermits requested Lord Totsarot to send his sons Phra ram and Phra Even though Phra ram was still at a very young age, he was still able to defeat and kill Naang Gaganasura. Her children Sawaahu and Marit came to get revenge for their mother's death.Phra ram shot an arrow into Sawahu, who was killed on the spot, but Marit saw that Phra ram had 4 arms, and realized he was the Avatar of Vishnu, upon which realization he became afraid and fled the scene running back to langa in fear of his life.
To be continued......

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