In the realm of the Yaksas, Asurapaktra, was a Yaksa who lived at the foot of mount Grailash - he wished to be an important figure in the Yaksa world, and be revered by both the Nagas and the Devas. In order to receive the necessary qualities and powers, he thus went to pay respects and ask Phra Isworn (Shiva), for the bestowal of these blessings. He asked Phra Isworn for a diamond sword/mace, and a spell to prevent anyone from being able to attack and defeat himself. Phra Isworn gave the blessings freely to Asurapaktra.
At the same time, Maliwakka Prohm saw the events occuring with Asurapaktra, and went to warn Phra Isworn that the bestowal of such gifts upon Asurapaktra would surely cause unrest in the whole of Chompoo Tweep (Indian Continent).
Taw Malee Wakka prohm told Phra Isworn that Asurapaktra was a Yaksa of especially malevolent temperament, and that the Yaksa would surely run amok causing unrest in both the Earthly and Celestial Realms. Phra Isworn then agreed to bestow the Sacred Sword and permit Taw Malee Wakka prohm take it to give to Taw Achabala. Lord Achabala received the magical sword which Phra Isworn had blessed with sacred powers from Taw Malee Wakka Prohm, and they both vowed eternal friendship and alliance - promising to be friends for all time.
Taw Achabala thus went out to find Asurapaktra, and, using the magic sword (called "Phra Khan" in Thai), he cut off Asurapaktra's head, and skewered it on a pole, cursing him to watch over Phra Isworn's Garden. The Brahma Deity Taw Malee Wakka Prohm went to ask Phra Isworn for leave to return to the Brahma Realms, which he was immediately granted, along with the name "Taw Maleewaracha" - with the status of Senior in all the ranks of Angels, magical beings and Asuras. .
After this, Taw Sahamaleewan, who had fled the wrath of Phra Isworn, to hide in the Underworld of "Mueang Badala", had heard that Taw Sahabodee Prohm had built the city of Langka and bestowed it as a gift to Taw Jaturapaktra to rule over. So he visited the Asura King of this Yaksa City, along with giving him the magical "Busabok" (flying dais) as a gift. After this, Lord Jaturapaktra died, aleaving the rule of the Kingdom to be inherited by his son, Lord Latsatian. You can read about Lord Latsatian, and how he received the City of Langka in the following Link;
The Birth of Lord Latsatian - Construction of Langka
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