Ramakien (Ramayana in India) is the tale of the God Vishnu who incarnated as Rama to punish the Yaksa Totsagan - this is the story of Pra Ram and his Consort Sita (Nang Sida). Thai Ramakian Tale is one of the foundations of Buddhist Literature in Thailand, and is taught in every Primary school.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Pii Suea Samut
Hanuman Kills Phii Sua Samut; the Guardian of the Waters of Langka
Pii Suea Samut was a giant Yaksa; Totsagan had given her the task of being the guardian of the waters around Langka, and she patrolled the seas surrounding all entrances to the city, which was of course hidden to the eyes of potential invaders by the magical crystal parasol. She would not permit anyone to pass these waters and make the crossing to Langka wiithout permission to enter Langka. She was a fearsome Yaksa indeed, with fiery eyes and long tusks growing out of her mouth, which reached up to her eyes. As Hanuman flew over the waters on nis journey to find Naang Siidaa to give hter the ring and a message from Pra Ram, Phii Suea Samut saw him, and flung her great club at him, which smashed into Hanuman. Hanuman responded by flying down to her and attacked her with his "Dtri" (a small hand held trident, which was Hanuman's traditional weapon of preference). A furious fight ensued, and Phii Sue Samut tried with all her might to break Hanuman's resolve - Hanuman flew at her with his trident, and Phi Suea Samut craftily opened her gaping maw of a mouth to eat him. But to her surprise, Hanuman jumped forward and dashed into her mouth, crawling into her head, and ran hectically from left to right between her ears, bashing both ears with all his might, leaving her head ringing in pain. Then he ran down into her stomach and started kicking ad punching her insides. Phii Suea Samut was in such pain, and wanted Hanuman out of her body, but no matter how she tried she could not get him out from inside her.
Then Hanuman drew his trident and sliced her stomach open, throwing her intestines and guts out into the sea for the fish to eat, and sprang out to cut off her hands and arms, which he also threw to become fish food. In no time at all. Phii Suea Samut's lifeforce left her, and she died in the waters close to the banks of Langka Kingdom. Langka the Kingdom of Totsagan, had resoun for mourning this day, for they had lost their guardian of the ocean waters, which was one of their greatest defence strategies.
Phi Suea Samut also appears in the classic work of fictional literature by Thai author Suntorapu - Pra Apai Mani.All childern in Thailand haver to learn and study this piece of classic Thai Mythological literature, which features Himapant animals, Ruesi sages, Yaksas (such as Phi Suea Samut, Mermaids, and famous characters from Ramakian and Indian Vedic Lore
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